Teaching Material
Here you can download slides (pdf and sources) for lectures on various
themes of the book. The content is offered under the CC BY-SA-NC 4.0 license
so that every user is expected to observe the license conditions.
We list the material following the chapters of the book. Additional lecture material is available at Additional Material.
For any suggestion on the lecture material please contact us.
Table of contents
- The Role of Modeling
- Seven Constructs for Modeling Single Agent Behavior
- Modeling Concurrent Systems
- Modeling Context Awareness (AmbientASMs)
- Modeling Business Processes
- Modeling Distributed Systems
- Syntax and Semantics of ASMs
- Debugging System Design
- Control State Diagrams (Meta Modeling)
Chapter 1 - The Role of Modeling
Why Modeling?
- Slides: WhyModeling.pdf
- Sources: WhyModeling.zip
Why Programming Must be Supported by Modeling
- Slides: ModelsVsPgms.pdf
- Sources: ModelsVsPgms.zip
Chapter 2 - Seven Constructs for Modeling Single Agent Behavior
Traffic Lights
- Slides: TrafficLight.pdf
- Sources: TrafficLight.zip
- CoreASM models: TrafficLightCoreASM.zip (thanks to Luca Rinaldi)
Sluice Gate
- Slides: SluiceGate.pdf
- Sources: SluiceGate.zip
- CoreASM models: SluiceGateCoreASM.zip (thanks to Matteo Busi)
Package Router
- Slides: PackageRouter.pdf
- Sources: PackageRouter.zip
Chapter 3 - Modeling Concurrent Systems
Extrema Finding
- Slides: ExtremaFinding.pdf
- Sources: ExtremaFinding.zip
- CoreASM model: ExtremaFinding.casm
- CoreASM model refined: ExtremaFindingRefined.casm
Termination Detection
- Slides: TerminationDetect.pdf
- Sources: TerminationDetect.zip
- CoreASM model with problems: TerminationDetectWithProblems.casm
- CoreASM model with problems resolved: TerminationDetectWithPblsResolved.casm
Communicating ASMs
- Slides: CommunicatingAsms.pdf
- Sources: CommunicatingAsms.zip
Concurrent ASMs
- Slides: ConcurAsm.pdf
- Sources: ConcurAsm.zip
Chapter 4 - Modeling Context Awareness (AmbientASMs)
Thread Handling modeled by Ambient ASMs
- Slides: AmbAsmThreadHandling.pdf
- Sources: AmbAsmThreadHandling.zip
Programming Patterns modeled by Ambient ASMs
- Slides: AmbAsmPggPatterns.pdf
- Sources: AmbAsmPggPatterns.zip
Communication Patterns modeled by Ambient ASMs
- Slides: AmbAsmCommunicationPatterns.pdf
- Sources: AmbAsmCommunicationPatterns.zip
Chapter 5 - Modeling Business Processes
Web Service Provider
- Slides: WebServiceProvider.pdf
- Sources: WebServiceProvider.zip
Communicating Business Processes
- Slides: CommunicatingBPs.pdf
- Sources: CommunicatingBPs.zip
Sardex Mutual Credit
- Slides: BusinessProcessSardex.pdf
- Sources: BusinessProcessSardex.zip
Equipment Rental
- Slides: BusinessProcessProcureToPay.pdf
- Sources: BusinessProcessProcureToPay.zip
Chapter 6 - Modeling Distributed Systems
AODV Protocol
Relaxed Shared Memory Management
- Slides: RelaxedSharedMem.pdf
- Sources: RelaxedSharedMem.zip
Chapter 7 - Syntax and Semantics of ASMs
Definition of ASMs
- Slides: DefnAsm.pdf
- Sources: DefnAsm.zip
Chapter 8 - Debugging System Design
Introduction to the usage of CoreASM
- PDF-Slides: CoreASM-Introduction.pdf
- Powerpoint-Sources: CoreASM-Introduction.pptx